
Saturday, July 21, 2012


Some people collect salt shakers - I collect best friends. Collecting best friends is a lot like any other collection.  Sometimes you look and look and find nothing and then comes a day when you strike pay dirt!! 

My big pay day came when I joined the Tidewater Art Guild . This amazing group of women was formed after a few of us met at an Art and Soul Retreat.  My best friend Catherine suggested that those of us attending the retreat from the tidewater region of Virginia form a local group and meet regularly to indulge our artistic endeavors.  Thus was born TAG.

Salt shakers are sometimes pretty - sometimes witty - sometimes just plain cute,  But can they do anything?  Perhaps - if you need salt to pour on a wound - but how often does that happen?

I prefer the salt of the earth.  According to the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms, the phrase "salt of the earth" is now used to describe a person or  persons of great kindness, reliability and honesty.  Although Oxford didn't mention it - also a perfect description of my best friends.

About now I need a picture - worth a thousand words and all that.
But I don't have one.
And that leads us back to the first posting of this blog where I admitted I did not have a clue as to how this whole thing works.  Especially how to post pictures - or even how to take a good picture - among other things - like followers, and links.

Enter my best friend Pam.    Pam spent the afternoon with me and patiently led me through the ins and outs of gadgets for the blog.  Now I can add links, my friends can become followers of the blog and even put in their email so they will be notified when I have a new posting.   She also put in a link to my Picasa Gallery.  Now the problem is getting the pictures to the gallery in the first place.

Now that those gadgets are in place I thought I would tell you a bit about the past weekend spent with some of the TAG members at my best friend Catherine's house.  Pam should have stayed longer - I can't seem to grasp that whole photo thing.

Enter my best friend Dawn.  Please click on her name (see how well I learned) and you will be led to her amazing Blog which completely covers our Tag Art Camp - with pictures and everything.  WOW - what an amazing woman.

Good Heavens.  This Blog thing is a piece of cake -   All I have to do is put in a link to all my interests
and my followers will be entertained forever.

Can you hardly wait to see who I link with tomorrow?

By the way, as days go by  you will no doubt learn to take a lot of what I say wih a grain of  salt!!

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